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Tag: Mobile Welding

It’s challenging to warm the steel market’s “spring.”

Today, the domestic steel market inertia “Monday” cautiously waits for the market, a slight concussion, but still weak is the main theme. From a subspecies perspective, the long product still struggles upwards, but trading remains the biggest obstacle, with upward momentum often caught in the bud. The plate has long recognized that doing resistance is a futile task, especially since cold-rolled coils are prone to show Pudie tendency, so pipe seamless pipes are still a dilemma that tangles and pipes are easy to splatter.

At the same time, the billet rose after last week’s shock, rising to 3310. The current steel market is, like the current northern weather, cloudy haze, less clear trends, more difficult business operations, less price fixing, and higher shipments. The slow consumption of social and steel stocks to confirm the release of the terminal is still insufficient, especially in the southern market, where the bearing pressure is greater than in the northern region, and the synchronicity of price action is weakening.

But the domestic steel market will have to look for a new stronghold to break through this temperature thorny situation, not a fire, as the market fell without worrying about steel prices. One still comes from “Iron Nation”. With the National Development and Reform Commission determining the target date, “Rand Steel” has left the final withdrawal history in the past 100 days. In a political mission, the local government continues to speed up the completion of the steel mill “raid” under the premise that the rest of the day must be completed.

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